Summation of the Two Paths Book – Part 6

‘For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us?’ (Ephesians 2:14)

If we are among the minority who choose to embrace and uphold God’s Law, we must be prepared for an intensified battle against sin. This truth will help us understand Paul’s intense struggle against his sin nature, as characterised in Romans chapter seven. It also gives perspective to our own battles in our respective onward journeys with God.

Sin is the ultimate firewall that separates man from God. In the technological world, there are hackers seeking to break into computer systems to disrupt, contaminate or steal information. In countering this threat, companies install firewalls and anti-virus programmes to protect their networks. In life, the toughest firewall of all is Sin, and the only solution is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God.