GENESIS 22:1 – 24:67 and MATTHEW 6:19–34
Gen 22
We have a beautiful picture of the Father/Son relationship as illustrated through Abraham and Isaac. First we see Abraham in perfect submission as seen in verse 1. “Here I am”. It’s a picture of Christ as conveyed in Isa 6:8 …”Here am I, send me” How the heavenly Father must delight in availability. Did Abraham know what was about to be required? Did the Son of man, before the foundations of the world truly understand all that would be entailed by offering himself to be the sin sacrifice? It doesn’t matter due to their willingness to serve the interests of the Father at any cost.
This is a supreme test! In fact, the Bible says that God used this opportunity to test Abraham. This level of obedience and servitude can only come from a life of practiced obedience. What God was requiring was the ultimate sacrifice. What more could Abraham possibly offer to God than his only true son. The same question can be asked regarding God. What more could have God possibly given to demonstrate His love for man? God gave everything, He gave His Son. Abraham is being given the privilege, yes privilege of being able to offer everything he had to God as an act of ultimate worship. Do you want a definition of what worshipping the Lord in Spirit and Truth is all about? (John 4:24) You have it right here.
Isaac here is serving as a type of Christ. Abraham is a type of the Father. This also helps to give a greater understanding of what tithing is all about. It is a privilege in being able to tithe because it signifies our recognition of what God has already provided. That is the difference between Cain and Abel. Cain gave an offering out of convenience while Abel offered the best of what he had. By the way what Abel offered unto God was a lamb. Interestingly, God did provide a sacrifice of a ram (male breeding lamb) after proving Abraham (Gen 22:13). Another interesting study is to consider the Lamb of God. Christ is characterized as the lion of the tribe of Judah. He also has the title of a lamb. It was the Passover lamb that broke the power over Egypt (Exo 12:3). It was the lamb who was able to loose the seals in Revelation (Rev 5:5-12). Worthy is the lamb that was slain! Do we appreciate the power of the lamb? Once again it is associated with the priestly role. In Rev 5:10 there is mention of being both kings and priests unto God. Christ came forth from Judah as a lion; referring to the kingly role. His primary function while on earth was that of a lamb and it is for this reason many missed him or chose not to identify with him. Make no mistake! Christ is coming back again as King but to reign as kings we must first know Him as the Lamb of God. Abraham and Isaac give a powerful portrayal of both (king and priest) on the Mt. of Moriah. “Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land…” (Isa 16:1). Singapore is known as the Lion City, may it be also known as a Lamb City through the church.
Gen 22:14-Jehovah Jireh. Here we have one of the names of the Lord revealed. This is a fulfilment of what Abraham declared earlier in verse 8. God indeed provided a lamb. This truth came at a great price to Abraham. It required him to be a moment away from plunging the dagger into his son. “Buy the truth and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding” (Pro 23:23). We must not flippantly regard the names of God in a casual manner. How easy it is to take things for granted. The revelation of Jehovah Jireh came at a price as do the other names of the Lord.
Gen 22:17-Pastor Yang from Cornerstone Church has shared about multiplication. Here is a key to exponential multiplication. It is a progressive obedience in our walk with the Lord. When Abram separated from Lot he was given the promise of the land that he could see and walk in. (Gen 13; 14-17). In chapter 17 he was given the promise of nations and that kings would come forth out of him. It was here where circumcision was introduced (Gen 17:2-7). After his willingness to offer his son upon the altar he is given the promise of the nations likened in number to the stars in heaven. This signifies an authority in spiritual matters where there shall be a possessing of the gates of his enemies. The signification here is more than just earth bound enemies but also those that lurk in the heavenly realm. Here is a picture of the man-child company seen in Rev. 12:3-5. May God help us to be among those who grow from incremental to multiplied growth.
Gen 23
This chapter deals primarily with the death of Sarah. The significance here is that this burial ground later became known as Hebron. There were many future battles in Hebron. It is also in Hebron where two of David’s anointing’s had taken place. There will be considerable insights regarding Hebron that will be covered in future commentaries.
Gen 24
Abraham is greatly concerned about finding the right marriage for his son. His servant Eliezer is tasked with an enormous responsibility in ensuring that God’s spoken covenant will indeed go forward (Gen 17:19). Eliezer was well acquainted with the measure of faith that governed the life of his master. Eliezer, in obedience went forth to Mesopotamia which some estimate to be about a distance of 470 miles. He came to a place where there was a well, which was needed for his camels; he also noticed that many women drew water from that well. He laid out a fleece before the Lord (Gen 24:12-14). The putting forth of a fleece was appropriate due to the task he was given. He was honouring God and his master by taking great care in that which he was given to do. God honoured the fleece by way of Rebekah who committed herself to the watering of all the camels. The key verse in this entire chapter (in my opinion) is verse 27. “…I being in the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brethren.” Oftentimes it is important that we be in motion in our respective journey with the Lord. We may not always understand why we are in a particular place, job, or circumstance yet we faithfully go forward in seeking to fulfil the Lord’s will. There is another key portion of this same verse.
“And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth:…”
It’s interesting to note that mercy and truth are linked together on 10 occasions in scripture. One notable verse is Psa 25:10 “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies” Eliezer was in such a path thus ensuring him success in his assignment. He was serving his master who observed and was a beneficiary of God’s covenant and testimonies. Here is another verse where you see mercy and truth linked. “By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil” (Pro 16:6.) These are some of the verses which help us understand why Eliezer’s journey was successful. This should help inspire us to seek after mercy and truth so that we be enabled to be in the way of the Lord. It is also a means of coming to know the Fear of the Lord.
Matthew 6 – Read day 8 commentary