The Dividing Church – Part 2

Roman By Pass
A. Brief Review from Week 1
* Many called, Few are chosen Mat 22:14, Mat 7:13-14
* Justified by faith, justified by works Rom 1-5
* 5 attributes of the narrow road Rom 6-8

B. The Message of the Cross Rom 6:6
* What does the Cross mean to you?
* The Message of the Cross as seen through John 6
1. The multitudes John 6:1-2
2. The demand for a king John 6:15, 1 Sam 8:4-5
3. The Broken and Living Bread John 6:47-51
4. The Chosen Few John 6:70

C. The Law and Sin Rom 7:23
* The peril of Lawlessness Isa 24:5
* The law and the Priesthood Exo 19:6, 20:18, 32:26
* Defining the Law (Holy)
1. The Law defines God
2. The Law defines man
3. The Law gives strength to sin Rom 7:24
D. Grace Psa 45:2,7
* A bridge between sinful man and a Holy God
* The Two Streams of Grace
* Grace Defined
   1. God’s unmerited favour
   2. God’s enabling Power 1 Cor 15:10
* Grace redefined Jude 1:4
* Back to the Garden Gen 3:1, 4, 6
E. Choice-Whom will yield your life to? Rom 6:13,16
* Will you take the narrow road or by-pass?
* Choices-One of God’s greatest gifts Gen 2:16-17
* Choose you this day
1. Example of Joshua, Elijah and others Jos 24:15, 1Ki 17:21

The Church is Dividing into 2 streams

The exhortation to finish well                 2 Tim 4:7